Nissan Motor India has started focussing on India with its wonderful debut, the launch of Nissan MICRA. Nissan MICRA as the first step for Nissan in India, initially concentrating on the small car segment, since it is the boom in India right now.
Smart and young emerging Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor has signed a contract for endorsing all the Nissan products and services for a period of 3 years.
Globally, Nissan is strong enough in different segments in various markets. In West Asia, its SUVs such as the Pathfinder are hugely popular; the US is more of a patron of its sedans such as Altima and Maxima; in its home country, Japan, it is famous for its small cars including the Cube; whereas in Europe, its SUVs such as the Qashqai are popular. And Nissan is starting in India with a B+ segment category MICRA. Nissan Micra(hatch back) comes with both petrol and diesel engines which has 5 doors. The expected price of Nissan Micra’s in India will be sort fairly between 4 to 5 Lac Rupees.
Nissan MICRA with Ranbir Kapoor in TV Ad-1
Nissan MICRA with Ranbir Kapoor in TV Ad-2
design is quite nice dude...
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